Freedom Of Speech: The Key Battleground Of The Next Decade

The madness grows exponentially. Daily now, the totalitarian prescriptions of the enforcers of political correctness reach new heights of absurdity. The latest victim is the veteran golf commentator Peter Alliss, denounced by the Twitter rabble for “sexist” comments.

His crime was to say on air, as he looked at the wife of American golfer Zach Johnson watching her husband preparing to size up a putt to win The Open: “She is probably thinking ‘If this goes in I get a new kitchen.’ “

Oh, what hate speech! What fascist depravity! The collective wail of the chronically offended swamped the Twitterzone. Since Alliss’s employer is the BBC, the offence-takers were knocking on an open door. The only response any sane person would have made to the social media cry-babies was either contemptuous silence or the admonition “Get a life!” Instead, predictably, the Corporation apologised for their broadcaster’s “inappropriate” comment.

“Inappropriate” is, of course, the most invoked weasel word employed by the PC enforcers. In what way was Peter Alliss’s remark inappropriate? What is inherently improbable – or outrageous – in the speculation that the wife of a golfer about to win a packet in prize money might well be contemplating fitting out a new kitchen? Do women who have the good fortune to come into affluent circumstances never spend money on kitchens? How many times have we heard women discussing among themselves how much they would like to gut their kitchen premises and make improvements, if only they could afford it?


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