Refugee Resettlement: A Clear and Present Danger to Our Nation

They are not taught to assimilate. They are however, taught how to game the system.

This week, the Center for Security Policy published my latest work, The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America. It reveals a malevolent component of our dysfunctional immigration system that has largely flown under the radar: refugee resettlement. This article highlights a few of its findings.

Hatched by the U.N. and the American Left, the resettlement agenda is dedicated to erasing our culture, traditions and laws, and creating a compliant, welfare-dependent multicultural society with no understanding of America’s constitutional framework and no interest in assimilation. The ultimate target is a voting base large enough for the Left’s long-sought “permanent progressive majority.”

Most people would be shocked to know that America currently takes more refugees from the world’s ghettos than all other refugee resettlement countries in the world combined. The State Department brags about it. Furthermore, most of those refugees are referred to the United States by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). The refugees (and the illegal aliens flooding the southern border from Central America) are then “resettled” by taxpayer funded “Voluntary Agencies” or VOLAGs as they are called.

There are nine of them, six nominally religious, but all are in it for the money and top staff make high six figures. Together the VOLAGs are paid close to $1 billion in taxpayer dollars to resettle refugees. Two more organizations who settle most of the unaccompanied alien children (UAC) brought the total to over $1.3 billion last year.


Complete text linked here.

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