1.6 Million Immigrants from Predominantly Muslim Countries Since 9/11

“At that rate, the Muslim population in the U.S. is expected to double by 2030 and triple by 2050.”

How many people in this country are aware of the fact that immigration from Islamic countries has doubled since 9/11? According to data Conservative Review collated from the DHS Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, the U.S. has issued 1,628,854 green cards to immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries from 2001-2013. Here is the breakdown by country:

According to the data, a large portion of this new wave of immigration comes from volatile countries such as Iraq, Iran, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. And don’t forget about Somalia, the source of much of our recent troubles with homegrown terror, particularly in the Minneapolis area.

However, on the other hand, it is quite likely that Muslims have emigrated from non-predominantly Muslim countries in Europe and Canada or other countries not listed in our data table. Muslims from other countries have most certainly been issued green cards, such as those who come from Chechnya in Russia (Boston bombers) and India. Over 866,000 green cards have been issued to Indian nationals over the same period of time. This is obviously conjecture, but if it’s assumed that 13.4% of immigrants from India are Muslim – commensurate to their share of India’s native population – that would add another 116,000 Muslim immigrants to the overall tally.


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