Islamic convert facing terrorism charges after he mows down 11 in his car shouting ‘God is greatest’ in Arabic

The 40-year-old man is a known psychiatric patient in French city of Dijon. Ploughed his car into crowds of pedestrians at Place du President Wilson. Was reportedly heard shouting ‘For the children of Palestine’ in Arabic. French authorities said the unidentified man ‘may face terrorism charges’. Comes days after a knife-yielding man attacked French police station. Attack may have been inspired by recent Sydney Siege, authorities said.

Eleven people have been injured after a known psychiatric patient drove into pedestrians shouting ‘God is greatest’ in Arabic in a French city.

Two of those hit by the driver, who was believed to be drunk, were in a ‘very serious’ condition in the city of Dijon after being struck shortly after 8pm on Sunday night.

The 40-year-old was arrested by police at the scene and may face terrorism charges, authorities said.

The incident comes days after a man was shot dead after entering a police station armed with a knife in another French town, slashing two officers while proclaiming his love of Islam.

Speaking of the attack in Dijon last night, a police source said the man used a Renault Clio to run over ‘as many people as he could’ before being stopped.

‘Many are suffering with very serious head injuries,’ the source added.

Pictures showed the injured lying in the road around Place du Wilson as emergency vehicles and anti-terrorism officials arrived to take them to local hospitals.

Among the injured was an 11-year-old child, according to local media.


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