‘America’ Premiere: D’Souza Confronts Zinn’s Radical History

Hundreds of curious and enthusiastic guests turned out for the red-carpet screening premier of Dinesh D’Souza’s new film, America, which is slated to hit theaters on July 2.

The crowd roared waited anxiously in a line that wrapped around the corner of the Regal Cinemas at LA Live in downtown Los Angeles. They were greeted by the actors dressed as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, foreshadowing the history lesson which D’Souza was about to provide on screen, in answer to the frightening question: “What would the world be without America?”

“The film is a celebration of the ideas that built America and it’s a warning against some forces–in America–that are bringing America down,” D’souza told Breitbart News. “I’m trying as an immigrant to tell a story that Americans don’t know.” he said.

The Indian-born filmmaker, author, and scholar came to America from India when he was just 17 years old. “I love America. I chose this country. And like millions of immigrants, I am blessed by my life in America.”

America pans to several historic landmarks such as Mt. Rushmore, the Lincoln Memorial and the Statue of Liberty, all of which crumble into sand. D’Souza uses the visual metaphor to emphasize what would have been if America’s history, as told by the late left-wing activist Howard Zinn, were true. Zinn’s revisionist text, A People’s History of the United States has been used throughout many schools as part of their curriculum and deemed an historically-accurate work of writing, which D’Souza disputes throughout his film.


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