Abortionist Accused of Raping His Patients, Dumping Aborted Babies Bodies Under Investigation

EDITOR’S WARNING: This article contains graphic descriptions of this abortion practitioner’s crimes.

Millionaire Oklahoma abortionist Nareshkumar Gandalal “Naresh” Patel, who once faced charges of raping and sodomizing his abortion patients, is once again under investigation after Operation Rescue filed a five-count complaint against him with the State Attorney General’s office, the Oklahoma Health Department, and the Oklahoma Medical Board.

The complaints were based on documents and medical waste that had been discarded in a publicly-accessible trash receptacle near Patel’s Outpatient Services for Women abortion clinic in Oklahoma City. The material was received by Operation Rescue from an anonymous source on March 18, 2013.

Allegations include:

1. Record-keeping violations and improper disposal of confidential information.
2. Mandatory reporting violations.
3. Improper disposal of medical waste.
4. Failure to protect and properly dispose of employment applications.
5. Failure to observe 24-hour voluntary and informed consent.

Patel is an abortionist with a long and particularly horrific history of Medical Board disciplinary actions, malpractice claims, and criminal cases. Nevertheless, financial documents found amid the medical records and waste indicate that Patel owns $39.4 million in real estate. His personal income exceeds $1.4 million annually. His net worth is listed at $28 million.


Complete text linked here.

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