Black attackers leave trail of beatings, vandalism by Colin Flaherty

‘This was a few hundred kids in a mob mentality’

As black mob violence goes, the recent racial mayhem at the Florida State Fair in Tampa was not that big of a deal.

Sure hundreds of black people were fighting. On video. Police were attacked. Property destroyed. Fair-goers beaten. Venders assaulted. Cell phones stolen. An old lady in a wheelchair robbed. People jumping fences and refusing to pay for rides. The fair closed early. And most of the media glossed over most of it. Despite the fact that officials even said they expected it.

The local daily paper in Tampa carried a story about a Trayvon Martin commemoration rally in Miami – his birthday was over the weekend – but nothing about the widespread racial violence at the fair in its own backyard.

Even so, compared to other recent examples of black mob violence and media denial at fairs and carnivals around the country, this Tampa lawlessness was right in the middle of the pack. In Tampa, at least no one was killed. At the fair, anyway.

Let’s look at a few other episodes of racial mayhem at the fairgrounds:

In Hampton, Va., last May, officials closed the Spring Carnival a week early after five black people were shot, one fatally. This happened after extensive black mob violence at the fair that year – and years before.

In Roanoke, Va., last year, police turned a county fair into an armed camp after the Drew Expo was forced to close early after it was the scene of black mob violence involving 500 people both in and out of the fair in 2012. And years before.


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