The killer nail for Obamacare

Even Democrats now worry Obama’s signature law has fatal flaw

An ardent supporter of President Obama’s health law now admits the funding for Obamacare is in peril because young Americans simply aren’t signing up in large enough numbers, and a health-policy expert says Republicans are on the right track with their various repeal and replace approaches to the law.

In an effort to get everyone insured, Obamacare has always been predicated upon millions of young, healthy people choosing to enroll, even though the penalty for not having insurance is far lower than the premiums they are facing.

The Obama administration now says more than three million people are enrolled in the various health-care exchanges but won’t offer statistics on how many have actually paid premiums and whether enough young people are in the mix to pay for the care needed by older, less healthy Americans.

Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., told NPR-affiliated WAMU radio that he doesn’t expect the numbers to balance when open enrollment comes to a close.

“I’m afraid the millennials, if you will, are less likely to sign up. I think they feel more independent. I think they feel a little more invulnerable than prior generations, but I don’t think we’re going to get enough young people signing up to make this bill work as it was intended to financially,” he said.


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