California Republicans Speak Truth to Power

The press and MoveOn aren’t the only players who are horrified that the truth might get out. Rep. Janice Hahn (D-California) is “appalled by the so-called civil servants who have stooped to confusing and misleading Californians who are trying to get health insurance.”

Well, well, well. It’s always a glorious day in a socialist paradise when the lefties show their tyrannical hand and try to suppress speech. They want Americans to have accessibility to healthcare, but not to any information about the insurance they are forcing millions to purchase.

In order to arm Californians with accurate information about the California Healthcare Exchange, the California Republican Assembly launched a website this past August called — clearly setting forth what you have to do, the date by which you have to do it and the consequences if you don’t. Unquestionably a resource for the public, the home page is titled “Helping You Navigate Federal Health Care Changes,” there is link to the California Exchange, and a comprehensive FAQ section with answers to questions like why it is more expensive to buy health insurance, what happens if you don’t purchase insurance, what if you are already covered, and whether your financial and medical information will be kept confidential, etc. There is a separate page on taxes, one specifically addressing seniors and one for youth. Basically, the site takes what’s been shrouded in thousands of pages of legislation and regulations, and explains it to the general population.

Can you imagine anything more heinous?


Complete text linked here.

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