Criticizing Obama: Does it really get you blacklisted in Hollywood?

“The growth of alternative media has encouraged more stars like Stacey Dash and James Woods to be open about their beliefs,” added Dan Gainor, VP of Business and Culture at the Media Research Center. “They know the risks [of possible work ramifications] but take them bravely.”

Hollywood stars Kelsey Grammer, James Woods and Stacey Dash

This week, actor James Woods took to Twitter to criticize President Obama amid the government slimdown and also said he now expects to struggle to find work in left-leaning Los Angeles. So is Woods on target, or just paranoid?

According to Mell Flynn, President of the Hollywood Congress of Republicans, discrimination against Republicans in Hollywood indeed runs rampant.

“I have known quite a few people who were let go from a job after they made their political affiliation known. Maybe it was a coincidence, but I doubt it. This type of discrimination is hard to prove though, especially where actors are concerned,” she told FOX411. “They just won’t get hired or even called in to read for a part.”

Producer Gary Michael Walters noted that “outspokenness can definitely be held against someone’s career prospects” in the largely liberal land of entertainment, and another show business insider told us that a director friend won’t take on any conservative-type projects for fear of not getting work.

“I have a prominent actress friend who lives in holy terror of losing her position on a TV show if she is outed as a born-again Christian and conservative,” another source told us.


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