Greg Gutfeld Shreds Lamestream Media For Ignoring Black-On-White Hate Crime

“The least we can do,” Gutfeld concluded, “is condemn such acts and the pathetic media concerned with ‘evil’ that only fits their narrative. You want to talk about crime? Sure, let’s talk about crime. But let’s talk about all of it. Giving less than half the story is worse than no story at all.”

Last night on The Five, co-host Greg Gutfeld talked about a recent example of black-on-white hate crime in New York City. Then, he proceeded to slam the lamestream media for selective indignation.

“I want to tell you about a man named Jeffrey Babbitt,” Gutfeld began. “He doesn’t twerk. He’s not an MMA fighter. He doesn’t snark on Twitter.”

Gutfeld went on to describe the 62-year-old Babbit, saying that he lived with and took care of his 93-year-old mother. He also talked about how Babbit enjoyed two hobbies: trains and comic books.

Then, Gutfeld’s narrative took a turn for the tragic. “Lashawn Marten, a cowardly fiend, claimed he was gonna punch the first white guy he saw. Jeffrey ticked both those boxes, so he hit Jeffrey, a sweet old man caring for his mother. He died at the hospital, and now she, his mother, has no one.”

After reporting the events, Gutfeld let loose on the media. “This might be the first time you’ve heard about this story,” he said, “maybe because it’s a ‘local story’. But what’s a local story in the Internet age? That’s a B.S. dodge, ignored when there’s a story the press wants to tell. Jeffrey should be a national story, but his death is not fashionable. His face will never be seen on a shirt worn by a big star.”


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