Parents of Tenn. Couple Horrifically Raped, Tortured, and Murdered Share Their Story with Glenn Beck – Here’s What They Want You to Know (Videos)

They described the assailants as bad people who didn’t work, had no money, did nothing but sit around and smoke and sell drugs, then rob people for money and food. They had the mentality of, “‘I don’t need to work for it; I’ll just take what you’ve got.’” The ringleaders had been in prison before, and one of the attackers’ girlfriends actually participated in the attack.

The parents of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, a young couple horrifically raped, tortured and murdered in Tennessee in 2007, have one message for parents: teach your kids to protect themselves, because the unthinkable can happen to anybody.

Glenn Beck has been drawing attention to the case on radio and television for the past several weeks, scolding the media that overlooked or failed to tell the whole story as either shielding themselves from the truth, or passing on a story that doesn’t fit an agenda.

On the Glenn Beck Program Tuesday night, Beck spent the entire hour with the victims’ parents, letting the family tell the story in its entirety.

“Tonight’s story is beyond horrifying,” Beck said at the start of the show. “It is proof that evil exists. But the part, also, that I think no one is showing you, is the proof that good actually exists. I believe the people we’re about to talk about are who America really is, who we are in our hearts. We are not brutal killers, but there are those brutal killers that live amongst us.”

Hugh and Mary Newsom, the parents of Christopher Newsom, and Gary and Deena Christian, the parents of Channon Christian, began by emphasizing that their children weren’t just murdered, they were tortured.


Complete text and videos linked here.

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