Marilyn Monroe’s death, sex with JFK, taped by private eye Fred Otash

A HOLLYWOOD private eye had tapes of Marilyn Monroe and John F Kennedy having sex and even taped her death after she had a massive argument with Bobby Kennedy, it has emerged.

Marilyn Monroe with President John F. Kennedy, centre, and Robert Kennedy, left, at a Democratic fundraiser on May 19, 1962 at a home in New York City. Files kepy by Hollywood PI Fred Otash claim to have JFK and Marilyn on tape having sex.

Documents belonging to Fred Otash, one of Hollywood’s most notorious private detectives who died in 1992, were uncovered by his daughter Colleen after being found in a suburban storage unit.

According to Otash Monroe had a sexual relationship with the brothers and on August 5, 1962, complained about being “passed around like a piece of meat”, the Hollywood Reporter reports.

Otash claimed he had listened to Marilyn Monroe die after he had taped an argument she had with Robert Kennedy and actor Peter Lawford, Kennedy’s brother-in-law.

“She said she was passed around like a piece of meat. It was a violent argument about their relationship and the commitment and promises he made to her,” Otash said in the files.

“She was really screaming and they were trying to quiet her down. She’s in the bedroom and Bobby gets the pillow, and he muffles her on the bed to keep the neighbours from hearing. She finally quieted down and then he was looking to get out of there.”


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