Conservative Artists Should Stick It to the (Liberal) Man

It has become a popular mantra of progressives to claim that conservatives are unable to contribute in any meaningful way to art or entertainment in America.

Having heard this diatribe for most of the last decade in response to my own work, I have become curious to discover the reasoning for this belief. One would expect, upon hearing such an assertion denouncing one’s own talent to come with a laundry list of reasons; or at least some links to an obscure, publicly-funded research paper. But one would be wrong. The sole defense for the assertion that conservatives are not capable of creating art is that we have no soul. Questions of skill and aesthetics don’t even come into play.

Ironically, these same people will argue that there is no progressive stranglehold on the arts in America. It only takes a few mouse clicks on the average art site or sampling of a popular art magazine to see that this is not true. I hear stories from other conservative artists regularly which describe their own experiences with the unofficial blacklisting of all things conservative in the arts.

I live near Atlanta–not a hotbed of conservative thought by any stretch. I know other artists here, who have been on the scene far longer than I, who have had far worse treatment at the hands of gallery owners.


Complete text linked here.

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