Refugee Camp London

For the first time as far back as records go, white British Londoners are a minority in their own capital city, having been ethnically cleansed and replaced by hordes of illegal immigrants.

In some parts of the city indigenous whites are outnumbered four to one.

Even in prosperous parts of the Metropolitan area like Kensington & Chelsea, 43% of residents originate from abroad. 88,800 people in Westminster have foreign passports meaning that for every six Londoners there are four foreigners in Westminster.

Our Capital has been destroyed by our traitorous political class.
Even the borough which houses our Parliament has been turned into one vast refugee camp.

Immigrants do not mix either with each other or with the indigenous population.

Vast ghettos sprawl around the city.

Blacks in Brixton, Latinos in Elephant and Castle, Muslims in Wembley divide up what was a fair and pleasant English city into no-go areas, where if you are the wrong colour or speak the incorrect tongue, you will get knifed or mugged or kicked to death.

There are more than 500,000 people of mixed race, those that you and I would call half-caste. Those unlucky people born of parents of different racial backgrounds.


Complete text linked here.

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