SEIU Organizers Caught Committing Voter Fraud

An investigation by the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office has led to a subpoena of SEIU’s Washington, D.C. headquarters and has implicated the prominent labor union in a voter fraud case that threatens to lead to criminal prosecution.

Well obviously they’re committing voter fraud. They’re organizers, aren’t they.


Then-SEIU Senior Organizer-in-Training Clarence S. Haynes, who is no longer affiliated with the union and whose whereabouts are currently unknown, voted in the hotly contested April 2011 election for a Wisconsin Supreme Court seat despite not being a resident of Wisconsin and leaving the state shortly after voting, according to an October 19, 2012 affidavit prepared by Bruce J. Landgraf, the assistant district attorney for Milwaukee County.

Haynes, who maintained an official permanent residence in Clearwater, Florida, allegedly voted along with two other SEIU organizers in Glendale, Wisconsin on April 5, 2011 — using a Residence Inn as their official address.

And there goes this racist country, disenfranchising unfortunate motel voters who don’t live in the state, only because they’re committing voter fraud.

How big was this voter fraud? Interesting question.

In May 2012, Media Trackers uncovered SEIU documents revealing that the union spent $146,000 in 2011 on the Glendale hotel where Haynes stayed and voted. ADA Landgraf’s affidavit reveals that as many as 50 SEIU employees lived at the hotel in late 2010 and early 2011.


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