California asks Hollywood to help sell Obamacare in TV shows

Hollywood will no doubt for the most part be thrilled to oblige. Before too long our programming choices will include dramas like “Desperate Housewives Denied Birth Control by the GOP,” comedies such as “How I Insured Your Mother” and game shows including “Let’s Make a Big F-in Deal” and “The Mandating Game.”

Who’s up for a few dozen Sandra Fluke cameos?

From the New York Times:

Realizing that much of the battle will be in the public relations realm, the [California Obamacare] exchange has poured significant resources into a detailed marketing plan — developed not by state health bureaucrats but by the global marketing powerhouse Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, which has an initial $900,000 contract with the exchange. The Ogilvy plan includes ideas for reaching an uninsured population that speaks dozens of languages and is scattered through 11 media markets: advertising on coffee cup sleeves at community colleges to reach adult students, for example, and at professional soccer matches to reach young Hispanic men.

And Hollywood, an industry whose major players have been supportive of President Obama and his agenda, will be tapped. Plans are being discussed to pitch a reality television show about “the trials and tribulations of families living without medical coverage,” according to the Ogilvy plan. The exchange will also seek to have prime-time television shows, like “Modern Family,” “Grey’s Anatomy” and Univision telenovelas, weave the health care law into their plots.


Complete text linked here.

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