Memo Reveals Obama Admin Gave Obama’s Uncle Unlawful Stay of Deportation

A memo from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) revealing that the Obama Administration granted a stay of deportation for his illegal alien uncle Onyango Obama was released today by Judicial Watch. The stay was given despite the fact that Onyango Obama was arrested on DUI charges in April of 2011.

The timeline of how Barack Obama’s uncle has illegally resided in the United States for twenty years and given preferential treatment by the Administration’s refusal to deport him looks like this:

Onyango Obama was first ordered out of the country in 1989, dring the George H. Bush Administration. His deportation proceedings concluded before the Board of Immigration Appeals on January 29, 1992, where he was supposed to clear out.

He never did.

Flash forward eighteen years. On June 30, 2010, John Morton, Obama’s director of ICE, sent a memo to all ICE employees telling local immigration officials to use their discretion in “prioritizing” illegal immigration deportation cases.

One could venture to guess “prioritizing” meant Onyango went to the bottom of the list.

One year later, on July 17, 2011, Morton followed up with another memo to all field officers, special agents and to the chief counsel further defining the term “prosecutorial discretion,” which asked immigration officials to focus on illegal aliens convicted of crimes.

Bingo! One month later, Onyango Obama was arrested in August 2011 on drunken driving charges in Framingham, Massachusetts. Of course, Onyango, upon his arrest, said his one phone call would be to the White House.

Mr. Morton and the Obama Administration somehow failed to go after this particular illegal alien criminal.


Complete text linked here.

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