Steve Bannon: If America Doesn’t Thwart These Five Things, China Will Be a Hegemonic Power

Breitbart News Executive Chairman and former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon warned Monday that America’s attention needs to be focused on China, or it will be left behind in the communist country’s wake.

“Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, since our great victory over communist ideology…we’ve been on a strategic holiday, y’know ‘the end of history’ – we acted as if we are a hyperpower with nothing else to worry about,” Bannon told attendees at a Gatestone Institute event in New York City.

He pointed to recent developments in Beijing, specifically a recent three and a half hour speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the 19th Party Congress. He noted that, at the same time, a Brown University study found that since 2001 the cost of the global war on terror is $5.6 trillion.

“This is how you see great powers collapse,” he warned.

He explained how President Xi’s speech claimed victory for the Chinese way over that of Western liberal democracy, with Bannon describing Xi’s remarks as “chilling.”

“It said that the mercantilist, Confucianist, authoritative system of China is the victor over the Judeo-Christian, liberal democratic free-market West; that their system is better, and they go over how it is better and how they’ve beaten us,” he argued.


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