L.A. Marches Against Trump — Where’s the March Against Sexual Abuse in Hollywood?

Tens of thousands of protesters are expected to gather in downtown Los Angeles and around the country Saturday for a march against President Donald Trump. But there has yet to be any kind of public demonstration against sexual harassment and sexual assault in Hollywood, several weeks into a scandal that has implicated some of L.A.’s most powerful personalities — many of whom are also among the Democratic Party’s biggest backers.

Ironically, Hollywood has made way for the anti-Trump protest, with local authorities suspending film production in downtown L.A. for two days as police focus on the demonstration, according to Deadline.

The demonstrations in L.A. and nationwide are being organized by a group called Refuse Fascism, which is loosely aligned with Antifa. Refuse Fascism has defended Antifa’s use of violence, calling it self-defense against violence from the far right.

In a blog post last week justifying Saturday’s protest, RefuseFascism.org proclaimed: “We are right to do this. For the survival of millions of people around the world, we must do this. For the rights of women to determine the course of their own lives, we must do this. For a future on this planet for all of our children, we must do this.”

And yet nothing is being done to protest on behalf of women, and even children, victimized by Hollywood superstars.

The leftists marching in Los Angeles have not marched against Hollywood studio heads, “A-list” stars, and media companies who are among 63 accused of misconduct thus far.

They have not marched against Harvey Weinstein, against whom a New York Police Department detective reportedly says there is enough evidence for an arrest.


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