Students’ union is accused of creating ‘police state’ as it pays ‘safe space marshals’ to go to speaker meeting to check no one voices ‘offensive’ views

Marshals attend events thought to threaten a ‘safe space breach’. Paid for by King’s College Students’ Union but required under university rules. Marshals expected to take ‘immediate action’ if speaker voices offensive views. Total of three marshals watched speech by Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg. Marshals enjoy a variety of perks including free weekly yoga and spin classes.

A students’ union pays for £12-per-hour ‘safe space marshals’ to police external speakers to make sure they do not voice views that are offensive to the audience.

King’s College Students’ Union requires marshals to attend events with a phone so they can take ‘immediate action’ if anyone expresses opinions thought to discriminate against ethnic or sexual minorities.

They monitor any speaker thought likely to perpetrate a ‘safe space breach’, which included Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg – who was watched by a total of three marshals at a talk last Wednesday.

The officials are also required to put up posters saying, ‘This is a Safe Space’ and record any instances of offensive behaviour reported to them by members of the audience.

The students’ union is required to provide marshals for events where speakers are judged to have a ‘medium or high’ risk of breaking its safe space policies under central university rules.

University staff reserve the right to cancel a speaker if the society does not allow one to attend.

Mr Rees-Mogg spoke at King’s College Conservative Association, where audience members mocked the marshals by holding up safe space posters before the talk.

The marshals are told to look out for discrimination based on ‘any distinction’, including ‘age, race and gender identity’.


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