‘Holy cow, we’ve lost our culture’

Dire warning to America: ‘Everything that keeps our society together is being extinguished’

Western civilization is thoroughly battered in Europe, and America is on course for the same fate unless it once again embraces the ideas that made it strong and resists the tide of progressive momentum that seeks to destroy it, according to Sovereign Nations founder and editor in chief Michael O’Fallon.

Sovereign Nations is hosting a three-day conference in the nation’s capital next week designed to highlight the threats to the founding principles and how to thwart them. The conference will be held at the Trump International Hotel from Oct. 30-Nov. 1.

O’Fallon told WND and Radio America that he started Sovereign Nations as he watched America turn against the very things that made it strong.

“I imagine most [people] have noticed that there are things around them, especially in the last eight to 10 years, that just don’t make sense. What was once heresy is now law and what was once law is now heresy.

“When we take a look at things that were accepted in the United States, the things that held us together, the glue that really kept our civilization together, those things are now being turned and looked at as if they are things and signs of oppression,” O’Fallon said.


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