‘Trump Must Hang’ Prof Doubles Down On Inflammatory Tweets

“Justice = the execution of two Republicans for each deported immigrant.”

A California State University, Fresno professor doubled down on inflammatory tweets like “Trump must hang” in an interview released Sunday.

Lars Maischak, a history lecturer at Fresno State, tweeted “Trump must hang,” “Has anyone started soliciting money and design drafts for a monument honoring the Trump assassin, yet?” and other remarks, The Daily Caller News Foundation reported in April. The university banned Maischak from campus, but the professor still insists that his remarks were taken out of context, according to YourCentralValley.com.

Maischak claimed that he was not trying to incite violence, and alleged that the media misrepresented his remarks.

“It is only in the processing by the propaganda outlets on the web who make it a sport, who make it a business out of finding professors, actors, journalists and so forth and harass them by inciting an online lynch mob that this became a [controversy] to people,” Maischak said.


Complete text linked here.

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