Young Muslim immigrants alleged to have raped five year old girl get unknown sentence (Video)

In her video, Geller explains how despite pleading guilty, the migrants were only sentenced to probation.

Pamela Geller provided an important update in the case of Muslim Migrants who were alleged to have raped a five year old in a Facebook video Tuesday.

As she explains, the girl’s mother and her family have been treated unfairly by the mainstream media and the justice system since this story broke. We at the Rebel covered this story extensively and interviewed an eyewitness to the sexual assault who confirmed initial reports regarding the incident, including that the victim had been urinated on.

“The injustice began in the proceedings at the Snake River Juvenile Detention Center in Twin Falls when Judge Thomas Borreson of Idaho’s 5th Judicial District ordered the little victim’s parents to say nothing to anyone – ever – about what was said in the courtroom Monday, or to disclose the sentence he gave to the savage attackers,” Geller wrote on WND.


Complete text and video linked here.

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