Prof. Jordan Peterson responds to CBC cultural appropriation fallout

What are the implications for journalists? “The first lesson is they’re going to be hung out to dry by their superiors … And the second is that the radical mob learned that with a relatively moderate level of effort, they can humiliate and take down even journalists that have impeccable reputations and large followings.”

Journalists are already self-censoring in the toxic fallout from the CBC’s cultural appropriation controversy, University of Toronto Prof. Dr. Jordan Peterson says.

Peterson, whose fight against mandatory use of genderless pronouns drew international attention, said the impact of political correctness on free speech and broader society is profound.

“This is why I’ve been warning about the emergence of such ideas at the university,” Peterson told The Toronto Sun.

“Anybody who thinks these ideas are going to stay in the university, believe me, they’re engaging in wishful thinking.”

A number of prominent journalists have been criticized for their recent participation in a debate about cultural appropriation, whether writers using the creations of other cultures are exploring or exploiting them.


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