NYU Prof. Jonathan Haidt Gives Instructions on Avoiding the Wrath of Leftist Campus Mobs

NYU professor and Heterodox Academy Founder Jonathan Haidt has published four lessons for professors looking to avoid the wrath of the leftist campus mobs that have taken universities hostage over the past several years.

Writing in a blog post for the Heterodox Academy, the online coalition of academics interested in increasing viewpoint diversity in American universities that he founded in 2015, Haidt provides four lessons for academics seeking to better understand the often irrational leftist mobs that have seized control of campuses around the country over the past several years.

In response to what he calls a “witch hunt” against Heterodox Academy member and Evergreen State College professor Bret Weinstein, Haidt lays out four lessons that reflect the behaviors and practices of the students that seek to have academics and administrators fired for disagreeing with the progressive movement’s progressive narrative.

Haidt’s first lesson, abstain from objecting to diversity initiatives, has proved costly for violators on several campuses around the country. Professor Paul Griffiths of Duke University was forced to resign after being subjected to two disciplinary hearings after gently pushing back against mandatory diversity training in an eloquently-written email.

1) Never object to a diversity policy publicly. It is no longer permitted. You may voice concerns in a private conversation, but if you do it in a public way, you are inviting a visit from a mob or punishment from an administrator.


Complete text linked here.

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