Former Inland politician wants to help conservatives move out of California

California, Chabot said, was “overrun by illegals, drug addicts and violent criminals under the umbrella of a radical liberal ideology that has destroyed the state.”

Unable to move enough voters to his side, former Inland congressional candidate Paul Chabot wants to move conservatives elsewhere.

Chabot, who now lives in Texas, recently founded Conservative Move, which seeks to relocate conservative-minded families to parts of the country that are more receptive to their thinking – for now, Collin County, Texas with more counties promised as operations expand.

“We wanted a better life for our four young children and we found it in Texas,” Chabot said on Conservative Move’s website.

“Our only regret was not doing it sooner. This ‘idea’ was so simple – we just wanted to help families make the move like we did.”

That move came after Chabot, then a Rancho Cucamonga Republican, lost his 2016 rematch with Rep. Pete Aguilar, D-Redlands, in California’s 31st Congressional District, which represents part of San Bernardino County.

In announcing his move, Chabot, who also lost to Aguilar in 2014, said that after the November election, he and wife Brenda “took a long hard look at our state of California and agreed it was time to move to ‘America,’ to find a region of our nation that embraces the values and morals we cherish.”


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