MULTICULTURALISM, SOCIALISM BACKFIRE: Danish ISIS Members Were On Welfare. Just Like France, Germany, Brussels…

Welfare systems attract people who are more likely to depend on welfare; multiculturalism ensures that those people never integrate into the surrounding society, making it nearly impossible for them to get off of welfare or adopt Western values. This is a problem now recognized by nearly every major European leader.

While the left-wing media in the United States claims that Donald Trump is responsible for Muslim riots in Sweden – even though increases in crime in Sweden long predate Trump’s presidency – his general take on multiculturalism in Europe has been proved right once again. On Wednesday, The New York Times reported that Danish Muslims fighting on behalf of ISIS were still receiving Danish welfare payments. Here’s the Times:

About 145 Danes have traveled to Syria or Iraq to fight for militant groups since 2012, according to the Danish security and intelligence services….Last year, the news media reported that more than two dozen Danish citizens receiving unemployment benefits had traveled to Syria to fight for ISIS, even though the law requires recipients to live in Denmark….Officials said that since last year, municipal and state authorities had been trying to collect about $95,000 in welfare benefits that had been wrongly paid to 29 citizens who had gone to Syria to fight for ISIS.

The law in Denmark prevents removal of welfare benefits without a full-scale trial, apparently.


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