Ann Coulter: Trump Should Withdraw Funding from Any School with Speech Codes (Audio)

In an interview broadcast Friday on Breitbart News Daily, author Ann Coulter talked about the violent demonstrations left-wingers have employed to shut down speech they dislike, notably Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart News at UC Berkeley this week.

SiriusXM host Alex Marlow contended that the mainstream media’s irresponsible use of terms like “fascist” and “white nationalist” for speakers who are not of the Left has laid the groundwork for violence against them.

“It is the rise of a genuinely violent fascist movement,” Coulter said of these left-wing gangs. “It would be as if the Nazis went around complaining about how the Jews were attacking them and oppressing them. That’s basically what we have going on now.”

She recalled how violent protesters shut down a Trump rally in Chicago during the 2016 presidential campaign. “It was amazing to me how many families with kids, and wives, and daughters, they continued to go out to see Trump. It is like my college speeches, something I’ve been doing for a long time. You know, you’ll have 20 speeches that are fine, and then suddenly, BAM! the violent mobs show up. You never know when it’s going to happen, so you have to be prepared all the time,” she said.

“But Americans still did come out. I think that was intended to reduce Trump’s crowds, and make it look like he was the one creating the violence. All of this, just for someone who says, ‘We have to take care of Americans first.’ That’s what they’re so upset about, Alex,” Coulter declared, returning to an earlier point about how the U.S. Congress is attempting to cut back on the cost of major programs for Americans, such as Social Security and Medicare, at the same time open-borders advocates insist on importing even more dependents.


Complete text and audio linked here.

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