Obama vs. George Washington’s Farewell Address

Chuck Norris shares ’20 unheeded warnings’ by America’s 1st president.

My, how 220 years can change the world.

This Tuesday, Jan. 10, President Obama will deliver his farewell speech from his hometown in Chicago. It promises to rally the left and mainstream media in ways that will bring tears to Michael Moore and George Soros.

The White House has given a single clue into what Obama will be sharing.

On the White House website page, “My Farewell Address,” Obama (or his main speech writer) wrote, “I’m just beginning to write my remarks. But I’m thinking about them as a chance to say thank you for this amazing journey, to celebrate the ways you’ve changed this country for the better these past eight years, and to offer some thoughts on where we all go from here.”

A few interesting remarks here.

First, “The ways you’ve changed this country”? “You’ve”? I think he meant, “The ways I’ve changed this country.”

No doubt, we can credit eight years of Obama’s presidency for leaning our country more left, making it more socialistic, driving us $10 trillion deeper into national debt, further restricting our First Amendment and Second Amendment rights, obliterating the 10th Amendment power of individual states by massive overreach of the federal government, radically increasing entitlements and abortion funding through Obamacare, food stamps and other executive orders, making a mess out of U.S. international affairs and relations, and enabling the growth and encroachment of ISIS and its sympathizers at our borders and within all 50 states of the union, according to the FBI.


Complete text linked here.

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