The turning point for the Dems’ demise

Jeff Roorda explains how party’s dissing of cops led to Trump victory.

Hillary Clinton had measured the curtains, picked out the wallpaper and settled on all the fine furnishings for the Oval Office. That’s how certain she, the mainstream media, the pollsteristas and the Democratic Party were that the Clintons would triumphantly return to their former residence on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Drunk with confidence in their looming victory, Team Hillary, boldly decided to pull out of Michigan and Wisconsin in the waning weeks of the campaign so they could “run-up” the score in other states.

But that’s not what happened. Not at all.

How could it be?! Not only did the pollsters promise a rounding victory, so did the demographers – those eggheads who callously reduce us all to skin color, gender, age, national origin, religion and sexual orientation. In other words, our identifiable characteristics.

These identity profilers had been touting, ever since Barack Obama was first elected, that the Democratic Party had forever secured an unassailable coalition of Hispanics, African-Americans, Muslim-Americans, LGBTQs, feminists and young progressives, producing an electoral map which would deliver the presidency to Democrats for generations to come. The rich tapestry of diversity woven together by Dems, they predicted, would only continue to grow as its core constituency reproduced, immigrated and came out of the closet at an exponential rate while the old, white, Christian conservatives that comprised the core of the Republican Party would whither into irrelevance.


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