Report: Texas Voters Say Voting Machines Picked Clinton/Kaine with Straight Republican Ballot

Several voters in Texas have said on social media that when they voted early, their voting machine registered a “Straight Republican” selection but marked Hillary Clinton as their choice for president.

From KISSFM96.9:

Early voting for the 2016 election started today (Monday, October 24th). The people of Potter and Randall County are taking this opportunity to skip the long lines that always file out of the voting locations on Election Day.

It’s common to see pictures of the “I Voted!” stickers on social media. It’s not as common to see the stories I’ve been seeing today.

Two voters from Canyon posted the experience they had while voting. Apparently, when these voters chose the straight Republican option, the ballot selected Clinton/Kaine instead of Trump/Pence.


Complete text linked here.

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