Unpopular Opinion: Ted Nugent Is a National Treasure

So I guess Ted Nugent was in the news again. He wrote some kind of list about why you should support Donald Trump, which upset certain people, as every move the Nuge makes is wont to do.

But let’s put the man’s politics aside for a second (though regular readers know that Ted and I are part of the same vast right-wing conspiracy). Ted Nugent is a national treasure. You either get it or you probably really like Arcade Fire and get your news from John Oliver.

Nugent’s first band, The Amboy Dukes, were one of the more underappreciated acts of American garage punk. “Journey to the Center of the Mind” is the best song about doing so much acid you don’t know which way is up, performed by a man who inspired the straight-edge movement.

Oh, you didn’t know? Best crack open your copy of American Hardcore. Ted Nugent was beloved by what would later become the American hardcore scene. This was especially true among those in the nation’s capital who would pioneer the straight-edge movement. You see, kids, the Motor City Madman is one of the most notoriously anti-drug, anti-drink, anti-smoke rock & rollers this side of Gene Simmons.


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