Matthew McConaughey on the Second Amendment: ‘Let’s Forget That Right’

In an interview for the November issue of GQ magazine, Matthew McConaughey–True Detective, Dallas Buyers Club–said he understands that Americans have the right to own guns, but it’s time to “forget that right” because some people misuse guns.

The gun control statements actually came in response to a question about McConaughey’s love for the Washington Redskins and his opposition to changing the team’s name.

GQ asked, “What do you think about calls for the team to change its name?”

McConaughey responded by pointing out that opposition to the team name, a name everyone has been “fine with…since the 1930s,” suddenly got “pushed into the social consciousness.” In other words, something that’s been accepted as the norm until recently suddenly become unacceptable. Because of this, he said although “a lot of Native Americans don’t have a problem with it… They’re not going to say, ‘No, we really want that name.’”


Complete text linked here.

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