‘White privilege’ debunked

Susan J. Calloway Knowles explains history of progressives’ theory.

The progressive left never lets a good crisis go to waste, nor do they allow a good agenda not to be pushed. Even if they need to be creative in concocting a message, they will do it. The concept of “white privilege” is one of the most creative schemes they’ve ever dreamed up and pulled out of their bag of tricks in an effort to divide the races.

The definition of white privilege varies depending upon who is defining it or the purpose for which they are using it. However, for the sake of argument, white privilege “is a term for societal privileges that benefit white people beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstances. These privileges are unearned and are distributed based on values of the dominant group.” It is terminology the progressive left recently created as a tool to brand whites as a scapegoat for many of the problems of non-white races. It is also a way to attempt to condemn white people because of the color of their skin under the guise of “bringing about awareness only” of the unearned advantages of being white. Finally, it is an effort by the progressive left to shame and punish a race for the sins of their ancestors who owned slaves and participated in Jim Crow laws, while denying this is their intent. All the while, their plan causes further dissension between whites and non-whites.


Complete text linked here.

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