Sheriff David Clarke: Officers Accused in Freddie Gray Case Are ‘Political Prisoners’ (Video)

“These people were waiting,” he said. “These cop haters, these anarchists, they were waiting for one of these to turn into a political construct. This didn’t happen by chance.”

Outspoken African-American sheriff of Milwaukee County, David A. Clarke Jr., brought his controversial message to New York City last week saying he believes the six Baltimore police officers being prosecuted for the death of Freddie Gray are “political prisoners.”

“In my estimation the six officer who were charged in the Freddie Gray incident in Baltimore, Maryland, they were political prisoners,” he said.

“There was no basis whatsoever under the rule of law to charge those officers — none,” added Clarke.

In particular, Clarke, who was speaking at dinner hosted by Hillsdale College, said he took issue with the words of Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who announced charges against the officers saying she had heard the city’s “call for ‘no justice, no peace.’”


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