Commander Ryan Zinke Backs Donald Trump for President: ‘I Want to Be Part of Team Making America Great Again’

Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-MT), a former Navy Commander at SEAL Team Six before his election to the U.S. House, told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview that he is throwing his full weight behind presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump for president.

Zinke wants to help Trump beat former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whom he infamously once called “the antichrist,” in November in any way he possibly can.

Zinke wants to help Trump beat former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whom he infamously once called “the antichrist,” in November in any way he possibly can.

“The Democrats are besides themselves because they don’t understand Trump,” Zinke said. “They don’t understand, you don’t get between the American people—because Americans are upset. Absolutely.”

Zinke said he’s also open to being vice president or in any cabinet position if Trump asks him to serve, as well as from his current congressional seat.

“I know my name has been thrown around, and I would be honored to the duty in whatever capacity that is,” Zinke said when asked about how he has been named by some as a potential vice presidential pick for Trump. “I’m honored to be a Congressman. I would be honored to be a part of the cabinet. I would be honored to be the vice president. I would be honored to do my duty. You know why? It’s about making America great again.”


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