Police: ‘Migrant Background’ Males Kicked Teen To Death Then Molested His Girlfriend

Police have arrested the young migrant male believed responsible for kicking to death a young man this month, and are actively seeking two other suspects after a significant police operation.

Germany was shocked by the death of 17-year-old ‘Niklas P.’ last month, who passed away last week, six days after he was attacked by a gang as he walked home from a concert.

Police have now confirmed the suspect remanded into custody today is an Italian citizen of “migrationshintergrund” — immigration background — who has been in Germany several years. No further details are known about the identity of the arrested man other than that he is not an ethnic Italian, is 20 years of age, and already has a significant police rap sheet for “violent offences”, reports Rheinische Post.

Speaking at today’s press conference in Bonn, the former capital of West Germany, officers said the operation to apprehend the migrant male had been significant. Bonn homicide detective Franz Wirges said over 150 leads and reports from the public had been investigated by officers who worked “16 hour days” with assistance from the Federal police to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Three men were arrested yesterday, but two were later released after their alibis checked out. The third claimed to have not been in the area at the time, but officers at the press conference said he was found to be tripping up over his own lies, and they suspect him for the killing.


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