Clinton’s call for new immigration office draws fire

“It’s a disaster. Another federal agency? We ought to cut out half of them.” Sheriff Joe Arpaio slammed Hillary Clinton’s plan to create a new “Office of Immigrant Affairs” if elected president.

Hillary Clinton announced Wednesday she intends to create a new “Office of Immigrant Affairs” if elected president – a plan swiftly ripped by critics as a redundant piece of bureaucracy that might be better politics than policy.

The Democratic presidential primary front-runner briefly outlined the plan at a Manhattan event where she picked up the endorsement of the New York State Immigrant Action Fund, an advocacy group.

“I would create the first ever Office of Immigrant Affairs,” Clinton said. “[The office] would create a dedicated place in the White House to coordinate integration policies across the federal government and with state and local government as well.”

A Clinton aide told Fox News ahead of the announcement that the office will ensure that immigrants, refugees and their children are able to become fully integrated members of their communities and country.

Steve Choi, of the New York Immigration Action Fund, said at the event that the group supported the creation of the office as part of a broader push for helping immigrants in the U.S.


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