A Slow Motion Train Wreck

Watching the end of Western civilization unfold.

The four horsemen ride again; no, the bloody beast is back, slouching its’ way towards Bethlehem; no, it is an ancient genie unbound and its’ foul breath smells of more and more blood and human anguish as it grows ever-closer.

Yesterday, I screened a superb film about terrorism and anti-Semitism: “Watching the Moon at Night.” It is written and directed by two Swedes: Joanna Helander and Bo Persson. We see, on camera, the late, great Robert Wistrich and Andre Glucksman—and Walter Laqueur, Anthony Julius, Vladimir Bukovsky, Zuhdi Jasser, Ramin Jahanbegloo, Hannah Rosenthal—and Dan Alon, one of the Israeli athletes who survived the Palestinian massacre in Munich in 1972.

We see and hear from the victims of terrorism, those who survived an attack, those who lost loved ones, and we see scenes of carnage in Algeria, Spain, Jerusalem (not identified as Israel in the press materials), New York, Russia, Northern Ireland, Colombia, Norway. We are lulled by the words of Polish Nobel laureate Wislawa Symborska and by bewitching cinematography.


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