’60 Minutes’ TV crew attacked and beaten in Sweden

The TV team quickly decided to leave Rinkeby, with pictures and film of everything that had happened. They told the journalist from Avpixlat that they have been to Somalia, Syria and Iraq, but they have never experienced anything like this anywhere.

This afternoon a TV crew from the Australian 60 Minutes TV program, had found the way to the immigrant-dense suburb of Rinkeby in Stockholm.

After the visit the journalists said that they have been to Somalia, Syria and Iraq, but they have never experienced conditions similar to those in Sweden.

The TV crew got an insight into the Swedish multicultural society that they are never going to forget.

The TV crew was in the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby to depict the mass immigration to Sweden, and do interviews with local residents. The team barely got into Rinkeby before it was attacked for the first time, writes Avpixlat.

When a cameraman from 60 Minutes went out of the car, suddenly a car came up close beside him. The African driver of the car began to argue about why they were filming in Rinkeby. After a few minutes he ran across the foot of the cameraman, who tumbled to the ground and lay in agony. Another cameraman filmed the whole incident.


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