Racial equality and the offended generation

Armstrong Williams examines impact of ‘steady diet of liberal media hogwash’

Scores of dead white men glared back at them from the walls of the college dorm. The thought that some of those esteemed alumni could have actually owned their ancestors apparently haunted the dreams of some of the privileged, elite students at Yale so much that they took to the yard in protest. The dorms at Yale, they have declared, are no longer a “safe space” for black students.

Not far away from Yale’s New Haven, Connecticut, campus, in rural York County, Pennsylvania, a 12-year-old kid is dealing with the usual cruelties meted out by middle-school kids, compounded with an extra dose of racial hostility. Fed up with the ongoing bullying, he writes an open letter to the school demanding redress:

To Whom It May Concern:

Yesterday on the football bus coming from our football game a kid … started saying racist things to me. … He told me 200 years ago my ancestors hung from a tree, and after he said that I should I hang from a tree. That made me super mad, so in the locker room I told him not to call me n—-r or that I should be hung on a tree. … I’m tired of boys messing with me because of my skin. I’m at my boiling point with this. Please do something about this because when I bring it to the office/principle, you do nothing about it and I’m tired of the racism.


Complete text linked here.

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