Disney Mom Who Trained Foreign Replacement Endorses Trump: We Need Someone To Stand Up To The Bullies

“I’m doing this because I don’t like bullies,” Dena Moore says, explaining why she— as one of the American Disney workers who was laid off and forced to train her low-wage H-1B foreign replacement— is now launching a discrimination lawsuit against the corporation.

“You can’t let a bully continue to be the bully. Someone had to say: ‘Slavery isn’t right, I think I’ll stand up against it.’ Someone had to say: ‘We shouldn’t [mistreat] our women. I think I’ll stand up.’ Someone had to stand up. That’s what I’m hoping that my work is doing. There’s a lot of people who are just afraid,” Moore tells Breitbart in an exclusive telephone interview.

Yet this sentiment also explains why Moore, a constituent of Sen. Marco Rubio’s, now says she’s casting her ballot for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump: “Trump is standing up to the bullies.”

“The American people are now the weak ones being bullied,” Moore explains. “The everyday working person needs a champion– and you’d never think to say that. Who would ever think a day would come when we would have to say that? But the middle class needs a champion– we need a union that will protect us– and Donald Trump is that champion. He is champion who stands up to the bullies to protect the weak, he stands up for us– he stands up.”

“When you stand up to the bullies you have to stay strong,” Moore explained. “You’re not always going to be well-liked, and it takes you a little while to be heard. Maybe you’ll make mistakes, but you have to get past the media’s ‘let me pick you apart’ stage and recognize that this person is standing up to the bullies.”


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