Wake up and smell Sanders’ burning of America by Janine Turner

“I think Bernie will win the whole thing. Think not? Read my thoughts here.” Janine Turner

Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders, the self-described democratic socialist, is going to win the 2016 general election if all those who care for America do not wake up and smell the Sanders’ burn. He is absolutely on fire. And the American dream, the American hope, the American economic engine, the American employment rate, the American military, the unparalleled American health care will all go up in flames. The United States of America will simply implode. It is the sacking of Troy. This is a really good time for everyone to run, not walk, to buy a copy of Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” and read it — quickly.

Most businesses will leave. Corporations — which actually employ people — will be crippled and unable to hire. Unemployment will skyrocket. Those kids who got their free college education will wander the abandoned streets with a tin can wondering where all of that Bernie Banter got them. During a GOP debate, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie put it best. They tried taxing all the millionaires in New Jersey, and they left New Jersey — taking the jobs with them.

When our stock market and already fledgling economic engine grinds to a regulated halt, we will become even more insolvent and our national debt will swallow us up like the two black holes recently spotted in space devouring each other. There will be no people to tax. Entitlements will be bankrupt. There will be no free anything because there will be no money.


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