Sheriff Joe Arpaio endorses Trump for president

‘He produces results and is ready to get tough’

The man known as “America’s toughest sheriff” for his no-nonsense approach to law enforcement and his strong opposition to illegal immigration has endorsed Donald Trump for president.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona, whose endorsement was announced Tuesday afternoon by the Trump campaign, was the first to sue Obama over his 2014 administrative orders, which allowed another 4 or 5 million illegal aliens to remain in the United States.

When Trump announced his run for the White House, he took on Obama’s open-borders policy, calling for a wall to be built on the southern border.

In a statement about Arpaio’s endorsement, Trump said: “I have great respect for Sheriff Arpaio. We must restore law and order on the border and respect the men and women of our police forces. I thank him for his support of my policies and candidacy for president.”

Arpaio said: “Donald Trump is a leader. He produces results and is ready to get tough in order to protect American jobs and families. I have fought on the front lines to prevent illegal immigration.


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