Actress Julie Delpy Wishes She Were Black Instead of a Woman in Hollywood

Responding to the lack of black Academy Award nominees, actress Julie Delpy said she believes there’s “nothing worse than being a woman” in Hollywood and wishes she were black instead.

“Two years ago, I said something about the Academy being very white male, which is the reality, and I was slashed to pieces by the media,” the 46-year-old star told The Wrap on Friday. “It’s funny—women can’t talk. I sometimes wish I were African American because people don’t bash them afterward.”

Delpy may be the first public figure to advocate denouncing their whiteness for, dare I say it, Black Privilege.

Although Julie Delpy has been nominated for two Academy Awards, she believes her life would be much better off in Hollywood if she were a man.

“It’s the hardest to be a woman. Feminists is something people hate above all,” she added. “Nothing worse than being a woman in this business. I really believe that.”

We are only a week in and #OscarsSoWhite has already gone from rich black actors whining about not winning enough trophies to rich white actresses wishing they were black.

Let’s deal with Delpy first.

The child of a mother who was an actress and a father who directed stage productions, Julie Delpy landed her first on-screen gig at the ripe old age of 14. She was nominated for a Cesar Award just two years later. Her net worth currently sits between $10 and $15 million.


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