Border patrol agents arrest suspect in 2008 Plano murder

Border Patrol agents in Arizona stopped Ruiz as he tried to re-enter the United States with no I.D. and using a false name. They ran his fingerprints and got a hit that lead them to Plano.

A Plano family finally sees justice nearly eight years after their loved one was brutally murdered.

Bill and Akemi Rhea believed their son’s killer had taken off to Mexico and thought the trail had gone cold. On Tuesday, the couple learned Border Patrol agents picked up David Martin Ruiz, who Plano Police say was their prime suspect in the murder of 25-year-old Adrian Porier.

Porier was stabbed to death in his Plano apartment in May 2008. Porier’s family said he and a roommate had taken in Ruiz, who was homeless.

“We both broke down in sobs and crying… and it was like… it’s like everything came flooding back… from back then… I think I cried more this morning than I did back then even. It”s strange,” said Bill Rhea.

Border Patrol agents in Arizona stopped Ruiz as he tried to re-enter the United States with no I.D. and using a false name. They ran his fingerprints and got a hit that lead them to Plano.

“We never forgot this case. This is something we maintained and continually looked at. Our intelligence unit on a regular basis was checking into it and wanted to see if there were any traces that Mr. Ruiz had entered back into the United States and, if so, where he was so that we could possibly track him down,” said Officer David Tilley.


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