Some or All: Trump v. Coulter on Immigration

When it comes to immigration, Coulter feels Trump and the GOP do not go far enough, though she praises Trump for bringing immigration to the forefront. She said, “The American people have been begging for some candidate to raise these issues for 20 years, and he’s the only reason people are watching these crash-and-bore debates.”

Love her or hate her, conservative Ann Coulter may have the fairest, safest approach when it comes to America’s immigration policy. According to Coulter, there’s no need to single out Muslims, Mexicans, and other demographics while Washington gets busy building an immigration policy for the 21st Century. “I recommend a complete, across-the-board pause (in immigration),” said Coulter this week on The Costa Report. Citing President Coolidge’s immigration moratorium in 1924 – when the number of immigrants pouring into America hit an all time high – Coulter urges leaders to consider hitting the pause button on all immigration. Coolidge claimed “America must be kept America!” and Coulter is in lock step with his rallying cry.

In 2014 The Center for Immigration Studies announced that the number of immigrants in the U.S. reached a staggering 41.3 million – the highest number since recording began. The number of people living in the U.S. that were born abroad also reached a new high of over 13 percent. “We need time to assimilate the ones (that are) already here. The culture and the fabric of our country is being changed. A country built generation by generation isn’t going to exist anymore if we don’t stop the constant importation of new people,” said Coulter.


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