Can America survive its traitors? by Jesse Lee Peterson

Jesse Lee Peterson says Trump’s ban on Muslims ‘makes a whole lot of sense’

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

Benedict Arnold. Jane Fonda. Throughout American history, we can only recall a few infamous souls who openly sided with the enemy.

That was until recently. Since the San Bernardino Islamic terrorist attack, attempting to survive treason from within is now a fact of daily life.

For many American citizens, the murder of nearly 3,000 of our own on 9/11 by Muslim fanatics was a wake-up call. The naïve way many of us had viewed the world melted under shattering reality in the space of one chilling morning.

Unfortunately, after the immediate shock passed, most went back to sleep and stayed asleep. Just seven years later, a man with a Muslim name and sympathies, Barack Hussein Obama, was elected president, and four years later, was re-elected. Now after Paris and San Bernardino, it couldn’t be clearer that he sides with the enemy. God help us.

Paris and San Bernardino brought some of the post-9-11 reality back to us – that Muslims represent a clear and present danger. It was another wake-up call for some, and for others, another opportunity to deny their country’s need for self-preservation by siding with the enemy.

The deniers are cowards – and traitors.


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