Do black lives matter … to Planned Parenthood? by Pat Boone

Pat Boone shares race realities of powerful ‘extermination business’

We’ve all seen the startling and in some cases snarling gangs of demonstrators with placards waving, with large scrawled letters proclaiming “BLACK LIVES MATTER!”

Even if you hadn’t been watching the news for last few months, or been watching the Democratic nominating debates, you’d sense an anger, a decidedly confrontational “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore” attitude.

When liberal presidential candidate Martin O’Malley dared to aver “Black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter,” he was met with a loud prolonged chorus of jeers, derision and rejection from the equally “liberal” crowd he was wooing!

You might well answer, “Of course they matter … who said they don’t?”

The answer: nobody.

It’s an invented “issue,” a protest against a non-existent claim.

Of course, there has been widespread concern about several instances in which overzealous, badly reacting police, both white and black, have beaten, injured and in a few cases killed individuals they suspected of criminal behavior. In almost every case, the injured party was black and in most cases had been involved in some lawbreaking activity. So in equally unreasonable fashion, anti-police gangs were organized, and one highly televised parade of angry sign carriers promoted killing police, while chanting “black lives matter!”


Complete text linked here.

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